why do kids have 2 go 2 school for.?
2005-12-29 20:57:24 UTC
why do kids have 2 go 2 school for.?
Five answers:
bad little robot
2005-12-29 20:59:15 UTC
So they can learn to form legitimate sentences like "What do kids have to go to school for?" or "Why do kids have to go to school?" instead of phrasing questions that don't actually make sense, like "why do kids have 2 go 2 school for?"
2005-12-30 04:58:12 UTC
To learn. To get jobs. School is very important.
2005-12-30 05:06:57 UTC
To learn to servive in life. For instance, if you went to the store and you didn't know math, how would you feel if you didn't get enough change back?
2005-12-30 04:58:42 UTC
well if you didnt do then how would you learn math and krap and if you didnt go to school your typeing would be all the bad and sh**
2006-01-12 06:08:24 UTC
babygirl, lookie here girlfriend.

You must learn not to end your statements with prepositions.

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