How much does it cost (monthly) to live in Chicago?
2006-03-01 10:13:13 UTC
I know it depends, but I was wondering because I might move there because of grad school and I would like to know how much it would cost to live in an apartment with 2 or 3 roommates (all with our own rooms)... around east loop I think....
Do they sell apartments in chicago? about how much does that run? and what about renting??
I also would like to know about utilities and how much it averages out... thanks!
Five answers:
2006-03-03 12:35:19 UTC
You're right, it does vary quite a bit, depending on location, safety of neighborhood, size/quality of apartment. There's places available for rent everywhere.

If you're not familiar to Chicago, it might be a good idea to start with a realtor. They don't charge you (the landlord pays them), and they drive you around to different areas. Just be cautious with them, as some have been known to say "oh yeah, there's parking there" and then after you've fallen in love with the place, they tell you "oops, there's not, but you still want it right?" Heh, ok I'm a little jaded.

Here are some sites that might be helpful, too. The transit site is helpful if you're trying to live near a train or bus line.
2006-03-07 22:08:43 UTC
"Expensive" is such a relative word. I'd suggest you check-out a cost of living calculator. You can compare costs across different US cities:

In Chicago, depending on your standard, you can find rent from as low as $400 per month (if you don't mind living in impoverished neighborhoods) to multi-million dollar residences. No different than any other major city. The closer you are to "the action" the more you'll pay...typically.

In general, Chicago is more expensive than Atlanta and less expensive than New York & L.A.
2006-03-01 18:19:51 UTC
Apartment would be about 1500-2000 in total.
2006-03-01 21:56:28 UTC
in general chicago is a very expensive place to live. not only is it expensive but most things like food and entertainment can also be VERY expensive so keep the little things in mind too.
2006-03-01 22:42:09 UTC
890? Take it and Run!

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